Deep Dives
Thought-provoking research providing extensive learning opportunities
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Eliza Northrop, Manaswita Konar, Nicola Frost and Elizabeth Hollaway, World Resources InstituteThis new Ocean Panel–commissioned report, ‘A Sustainable and Equitable Blue Recovery to the COVID-19 Crisis’, offers a timely and practical roadmap featuring five priority blue stimulus opportunities that are ripe for immediate investment of stimulus funding. For policy and financial decision-makers, these are ready-made solutions to unlock much-needed relief and resilience and build a fair, just and sustainable ocean economy fit for everyone’s future.
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Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution Shipping & Ports Tourism
Almond, R.E.A., Grooten M. and Petersen, T. (Eds). WWFBiodiversity – the rich diversity of life on Earth – is being lost at an alarming rate. This loss effects our own health and well-being. Today, catastrophic impacts for people and the planet loom closer than ever.
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OECD, multiple co-authorsAdopting more sustainable ways of managing the ocean is a global priority: protecting its health will bring benefits to all.
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This working paper draws on the latest economic research to demonstrate how climate policy and investments in low-carbon infrastructure can reboot America’s economy and set it up for long-term success. On the other hand, delaying action on climate will further expose the United States to costly damages from climate impacts, air pollution, and public health crises.
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BrightTalk Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture GreenMoney Plastics & Pollution Shipping & Ports Tourism
The Economist Group, World Ocean InitiativeDrawing on the latest data and in-depth interviews with leading experts in government, business, finance and conservation, this report provides valuable insights for all stakeholders working to achieve a sustainable ocean economy.
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Manaswita Konar and Helen Ding Secretariat of the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, World Resources InstituteThe ocean faces urgent environmental challenges, but taking action to protect oceanbased ecosystems and ensuring the environmental sustainability of ocean-based activities will help deliver a whole host of benefits to society. The key question is how these benefits compare to the costs of action.
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Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution Shipping & Ports Tourism
Rudolph TB., et al., Nature CommunicationsA new relationship between humanity and the ocean is required to secure the continuity of the diverse life support roles provided by the sea. Ocean governance faces the challenge of reflecting the multi-dimensional and interconnected role that the ocean plays in environmental health, economic prosperity and human well-being including justice and equity.
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Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution Shipping & Ports Tourism
Teresa Fenn et al., WWFOur study attempts to value the economic benefits of an “ocean recovery” scenario based on ambitious action in these four areas between now and 2050, compared to what would happen if current trends continue. But these values are an underestimate: we haven’t attempted to model all the potential benefits, and of course it’s impossible to assign an economic value to the joys and delights our seas give us.
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This paper examines how and to what degree energy from the ocean can contribute to the climate agenda and achieving SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), including identifying new solutions and their potential impact, as well as addressing related safety and environmental concerns.
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This paper examines how and to what degree energy from the ocean can contribute to the climate agenda and achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), including identifying new solutions and their potential impact, as well as addressing related safety and environmental concerns.
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Nicholas WaltonThe ocean has great potential to become a solution, but only if there's the political will to build a strong ocean economy.
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Elizabeth Claire AlbertsDeep-sea mining has not yet begun anywhere in the world, but many companies are already prospecting the seabed for nodules and other forms of minerals to assess their size, composition, distribution, and economic value.
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An analysis of the blue economy's potential between 2010 and 2030.
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One Ocean FoundationThe ocean matters and has widespread implications beyond the ocean itself.
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Friends of Ocean Action ImpactFriends of Ocean Action Impact Report: The Business Case for Marine Protection and Conservation
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In collaboration with the Global Future Council on Energy 2019-2020
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BrightTalk Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture GreenMoney Plastics & Pollution Shipping & Ports Tourism
The Friends of Ocean ActionThe Ocean Finance Handbook, is a guide to support an increase in finance flowing towards the sustainable blue economy. The Handbook provides a key resource to enhance understanding of finance for a healthy ocean and generate conversations between financial institutions and marine-based businesses, conservation professionals and ocean project managers.
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Energy Solutions Shipping & Ports
Nick Ash & Tim Scarbrough, Environmental Defense FundGreen ammonia is a technically feasible solution for decarbonising international shipping.
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The Royal SocietyAmmonia is a suitable fuel for transport modes where large amounts of energy are required for extended periods of time and where batteries or direct electrical connection are not practical or cost effective. Examples include heavy good vehicles, trains, aviation and shipping.
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The Blue Economy and the United Nations’ sustainable development goals: Challenges and opportunities
Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution Shipping & Ports Tourism
Lee, KH et al., Environment InternationalThe “Blue Economy (BE)” is an increasingly popular concept as a strategy for safeguarding the world’s oceans and water resources. It may emerge when economic activity is in balance with the long term capacity of ocean ecosystems to support the activity in a sustainable manner.
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