Kelp Forest Foundation - unlocking the power of kelp
Issuer: Kelp Forest Foundation

Kelp Forest Foundation - unlocking the power of kelp
The Kelp Forest Foundation is on a mission to independently and transparently establish the value of cultivated giant kelp forests as a powerful solution to:
- restore ocean health,
- mitigate climate change,
- increase marine biodiversity
and to remove the barriers that exist now in scaling the seaweed cultivation sector.
Our purpose is to prove the ecosystem and carbon sink services of kelp. We will do this by:
- driving forward the science that quantifies its carbon sequestration and biodiversity-building potential.
- Establishing giant kelp seed banks able to be leveraged by conservation efforts and future giant kelp cultivators, to address lack of starting material.
- Supporting the development of cutting-edge ocean technology to decrease the cost of research
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The Kelp Forest Foundation is a Dutch registered charity. Its partners include:
- the Universities of Cambridge, Portsmouth, Sussex, Algarve and Namibia; Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge.
- commercial partners such as Naturemetrics and Hortimare;
- donors: Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Great Island Foundation, COmON Foundation, AEB, Downing College.