Deep Dives
Thought-provoking research providing extensive learning opportunities

A global overview of restorative shellfish mariculture

Dr. Alvar Carranza and Dr. Philine S.E. zu Ermgassen Fisheries & Aquaculture

RSM studies can benefit marine shellfish farming and biodiversity across genetic, species-population, community-ecosystem and landscape levels.

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Sustainable Fishing, Higher Yields and the Global Food Supply

Marine Stewardship Council Fisheries & Aquaculture

Fisheries across the globe are already demonstrating that fishing sustainably is not only achievable but more productive too, contributing to a food-secure future.

To accelerate this change, industry, retailers, governments and consumers need to prioritise and support sustainably sourced seafood.

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NOAA Report on the U.S. Marine Economy

Office for Coastal Management, NOAA Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution Shipping & Ports Tourism

These reports examine the critically important economic contributions of the oceans and Great Lakes to the marine economy of the United States. 

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Five priorities for a sustainable ocean economy

Jane Lubchenco, Peter M. Haugan & Mari Elka Pangestu, Nature Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture

Unleash the ocean’s potential to boost economies sustainably while addressing climate change, food security and biodiversity.

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Ocean Solutions That Benefit People, Nature and the Economy

Martin R. Stuchtey et al., The Ocean Panel Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution Shipping & Ports Tourism

This report lays out the contours of a new relationship between the ocean and humanity. Building on the latest scientific research, analyses and debates from around the world, the report showcases a balanced model for ocean management that simultaneously achieves effective ocean protection, sustainable production and equitable prosperity.

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Advancing Science for Sustainable Ocean Business: An Opportunity for the Private Sector

IOC-UNESCO / United Nations Global Compact Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution Shipping & Ports

Outlines the opportunities for the private sector to support the objectives of the Decade of Ocean Science (2021-2030). Developed in collaboration with the UN Global Compact and IOC-UNESCO to raise the awareness of the Decade among private sector partners and draw the private sector’s attention to the key role of ocean science in building the blue economy in a sustainable manner.

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Advancing Science for Sustainable Ocean Business

UNESCO/IOC Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution

Outlines the opportunities for the private sector to support the objectives of the Decade of Ocean Science (2021-2030). Developed in collaboration with the UN Global Compact and IOC-UNESCO to raise the awareness of the Decade among private sector partners and draw the private sector’s attention to the key role of ocean science in building the blue economy in a sustainable manner.

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Seaweed Revolution: A Manifesto for a Sustainable Future

Multiple contributors, Lloyd's Register Foundation Fisheries & Aquaculture

This seaweed manifesto is a visionary document outlining how seaweed can contribute to delivering on the sustainable development goals.

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Bonds for Ponds: Green Bonds Can Assist Aquafeeds Transition

Cage, A. et al., Planet Tracker Fisheries & Aquaculture

This report focuses on how debt markets can assist the sustainable management of feeds used in aquaculture.

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Will Northwest Seaweed Farming Finally Take Off?

Stefan Milne, Seattle Met Fisheries & Aquaculture

The potential is vast—for the environment, for nutrition, for Indigenous food sovereignty.

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Untraceable: The Consequences of Canada’s Poorly Regulated Supply Chain

Sayara Thurston, Oceana Fisheries & Aquaculture Shipping & Ports

Seafood is one of the most highly traded food commodities in the world. In Canada, a lack of transparency in seafood supply chains is masking hidden costs – to the economy, our fisheries sector, ocean health and global human rights.

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Traceable Returns

Mosnier F. et al., Planet Tracker ESG Fisheries & Aquaculture

In this new Tracker Report, we move one notch down the seafood supply chain to focus on seafood processing companies, positioned half-way between harvesters (wild-catch fishing and aquaculture) and consumers. An under-researched industry, seafood processing is carried out by around 4,000 companies globally, which together handle most of the seafood produced globally. Many of them are also involved at other stages of the supply chain.

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Coastal Development: Resilience, Restoration and Infrastructure Requirements

Andy Steven, et al., High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution Shipping & Ports Tourism

This paper highlights trends in coastal behaviour and comments on the dynamics that weaken and strengthen coastlines, including infrastructure, shipping, tourism, and future development plans. The paper makes an economic and security case for resilient coastlines, examines trade-offs between restoration and infrastructure development and recommends new models for shipping and tourism.

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Hidden champion of the ocean: Seaweed as a growth engine for a sustainable European future

Seaweed for Europe Fisheries & Aquaculture

Seaweed for Europe’s new report shows the economic potential of an expanded seaweed market in Europe could be worth €9 billion in just a decade. The report also finds that European seaweed industry could create up to 115,000 jobs in Europe by 2030 and deliver significant environmental and health benefits. Targeted investment, regulatory streamlining, increased research and development of new applications based on seaweed will be needed to unlock this opportunity.

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The Outlaw Ocean: An Exploration of Policy Solutions to Address Illegal Fishing and Forced Labor in the Seafood Industry

Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions (COS) and the Stanford Law School (SLS) Fisheries & Aquaculture Shipping & Ports

Largely out of sight, criminals pillage the oceans. They steal millions of tons of fish each year. That is a huge economic loss to coastal nations, estimated to be somewhere in the tens of billions of dollars. It is an even larger threat to food security; a billion people depend on fish as their source of protein, and in many of the countries that are most dependent, one fish in three is stolen. Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing undermines governments’ efforts to manage their resources and undercuts the millions of fishers who are playing by the rules.

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A Sustainable and Equitable Blue Recovery to the COVID-19 Crisis

Eliza Northrop, Manaswita Konar, Nicola Frost and Elizabeth Hollaway, World Resources Institute Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution Shipping & Ports

This new Ocean Panel–commissioned report, ‘A Sustainable and Equitable Blue Recovery to the COVID-19 Crisis’, offers a timely and practical roadmap featuring five priority blue stimulus opportunities that are ripe for immediate investment of stimulus funding. For policy and financial decision-makers, these are ready-made solutions to unlock much-needed relief and resilience and build a fair, just and sustainable ocean economy fit for everyone’s future. 

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Living Planet Report 2020: Bending the Curve of Biodiversity Loss

Almond, R.E.A., Grooten M. and Petersen, T. (Eds). WWF Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution Shipping & Ports Tourism

Biodiversity – the rich diversity of life on Earth – is being lost at an alarming rate. This loss effects our own health and well-being. Today, catastrophic impacts for people and the planet loom closer than ever.

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Sustainable Ocean for All: Harnessing the Benefits of Sustainable Ocean Economies for Developing Countries

OECD, multiple co-authors Energy Solutions Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution Shipping & Ports Tourism

Adopting more sustainable ways of managing the ocean is a global priority: protecting its health will bring benefits to all.

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Can Blue Bonds Finance a fish stock recovery?

Mosnier F. et al., Planet Tracker Fisheries & Aquaculture

The oceans cannot sustain the ongoing imbalance driven by declining wild fish stocks and rising demand. A period of restraint is needed to allow ecosystems to replenish. We outline a proposal to facilitate this with the creation of a blue bond. 

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A Short History of Aquaculture Innovation

Jude Isabella and Shannon Hunt, Hakai Magazine Fisheries & Aquaculture

For over a century, aquaculturists have tinkered with every part of aquatic animals’ lives, from genetics to diet to where they grow best.

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