Quick Dips
Curated topical articles on the Blue Economy
Researchers have found that mangroves and coral reefs can be cost-effective in reducing coastal flooding.
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Researchers in Canary Islands coin term for new type of marine pollution they say could be leaking toxic chemicals into oceans.
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The Biden administration announced new steps to protect the nation’s oceans in honor of both National Ocean Month and World Ocean Day.
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Here is what five leaders believe are the priorities and perspectives a global treaty on plastic pollution offers.
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The cleanup was undertaken by a California non-profit which hired scuba divers to clean the top 25ft of the lake.
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Researchers have long suspected that an ingredient in sunscreen called oxybenzone was harming corals, but no one knew how. A new study shows how corals turn oxybenzone into a sunlight-activated toxin.
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The decline coincides with a sharp drop in plastic waste exports, which had counted as recycled plastic.
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A new report outlines how ocean data transparency can enable companies to avoid produce from illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and instead choose sustainable and ethical products throughout their supply chains.
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Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution
Salomé Gómez-Upegui, The GuardianStudy in Florida finds ‘widespread’ traces of a total of 58 medications including heart drugs, opioids, antidepressants and antifungals in increasingly rare bonefish and their prey.
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Can brands make reusable packaging more attractive than single-use plastic? NFTs could be the answer
The reusable packaging market could be a $10 billion opportunity to eliminate single-use plastic.
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Typically when people hear about plastic pollution, they might envision seabirds with bellies full of trash or sea turtles with plastic straws in their noses.
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UV filters absorbed by Posidonia oceanica may have damaging effects on ecosystems, scientists warn.
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Plastics & Pollution Shipping & Ports
Paddison, L. et al., The GuardianCollaborative investigation shows ships regularly discharge ‘bilge’ water illegally instead of treating it, with toxic effect on marine life.
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Paint is a major source of microplastics in the ocean, although the scale of the issue has only recently been highlighted.
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Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time, with marine plastics being the most recognizable problem linked to the use of plastic.
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As the state, the refinery and tanker owners play the blame game, damage to the region’s ecosystems continues to spread.
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Nations commit to develop a legally binding agreement.
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According to an estimate from the World Economic Forum, the number of microplastics that find their way to the ocean every year by way of paint flaking from steel surfaces is equivalent to the plastic of 150 to 225 billion empty plastic bottles.
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The world is producing twice as much plastic waste as two decades ago, with the bulk of it ending up in landfill, incinerated or leaking into the environment, and only 9% successfully recycled, according to a new OECD report.
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Ocean plastic pollution is set to grow fourfold by 2050, says a new report. And there may be 50 times more microplastics in the sea by 2100.
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