Quick Dips
Curated topical articles on the Blue Economy

Sustainable shipping has a two-speed setting

Paul Hickin and Surabhi Sahu, S&P Global Shipping & Ports

Shipping's ability to meet decarbonization targets seem both extremely easy and very tough.

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Rolls-Royce to launch mtu methanol engines for sustainable shipping

Ship Technology Shipping & Ports

Methanol, unlike ammonia, is safe for environment and not toxic in nature.

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Together we fight: Protecting the ocean and combating climate change

World Ocean Initiative, The Economist Group Shipping & Ports

A guest blog from World Ocean Summit Asia-Pacific speaker Kitack Lim, secretary-general of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).

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New deal to decarbonise shipping isn’t enough – here’s how global trade can reach net-zero

Wim Naudé, The Conversation Shipping & Ports

Much of the world has been left disappointed by the Glasgow Climate Pact, the outcome of the COP26 climate conference. Scientists say it will not lead to the decarbonisation required to limit global warming to less than 2°C in the coming years.

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Shipping emissions must fall by a third by 2030 and reach zero before 2050 – new research

Bullock, S. et al., The Conversation Shipping & Ports

Progress on cutting emissions in shipping has been slow. In fact, emissions are no lower now than they were ten years ago.

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How to make fragile global supply chains stronger and more sustainable

Guitouni, A. et al., The Conversation Shipping & Ports

For most of us, supply chains are no longer an abstract concept. The COVID-19 pandemic raised our awareness about the interdependence of our economic systems.

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Shipping firms vow to cut emissions if governments support low-carbon tech

Fiona Harvey, The Guardian Shipping & Ports

Industry calls for levy to fund new technologies – but environmentalists say proposal blocks climate progress.

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Ten ways to cut shipping’s contribution to climate change – from a researcher

Simon Bullock, The Conversation Shipping & Ports

To keep below the threshold of 1.5 degrees °C of warming – the goal of the Paris climate agreement – immediate reductions in carbon emissions are needed. 

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Ship recycling: building a circular economy for the high seas

World Economic Forum Shipping & Ports

A speaker blog for World Ocean Summit Asia-Pacific by Sabrina Chao, president of BIMCO.

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3 steps towards making aviation and marine fuel cleaner

Anjan Ray, World Economic Forum Energy Solutions Shipping & Ports

On the current trajectory, sustainable fuels will only supply a small percentage of aviation and shipping needs. Favourable government policies are needed to increase production and adoption of sustainable fuels in both sectors.

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World's first crewless, zero emissions cargo ship will set sail in Norway

Rochelle Beighton, CNN Shipping & Ports

A Norwegian company has created what it calls the world's first zero-emission, autonomous cargo ship.

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Maersk accelerates fleet decarbonisation with new vessel order

Stine Jacobsen, Reuters Shipping & Ports

A.P. Moller-Maersk (MAERSKb.CO) said on Tuesday it had ordered eight vessels which are able to run on carbon-neutral methanol to accelerate the decarbonisation of its fleet and meet increased customer demand for greener transportation.

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IPCC issues stark climate change warning – but what about trade?

Deepesh Patel, Trade Finance Global Shipping & Ports

Today’s IPCC report warns that temperatures are very likely to reach 1.5°C of warming by 2050. But what could this mean for global trade, trade finance and supply chains?

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5 Examples of Best Practice to Sustainably Finance the Port Sector

UNEP FI Shipping & Ports

Ports are gateways for development, global trade and maritime innovation, and being located at sea level, they are on the front lines of climate change.

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Is deep-sea mining in the Arctic a good idea?

Anita Parlow, World Ocean Initiative Energy Solutions Shipping & Ports

A guest blog by Anita Parlow, expert on Arctic shipping, energy and infrastructure.

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How a demand-driven approach could accelerate zero-emission freight transportation

Margi Van Gogh & Angie Farrag-Thibault, World Economic Forum Shipping & Ports

By greening their supply chains, freight buyers could boost decarbonization efforts in the global freight transportation sector.

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Travel Norway’s Fjords on a Quiet Electric Ferry

Gabriel Leigh, Bloomberg Green Energy Solutions Shipping & Ports

Hop on a ferry in Norway and it’s increasingly likely that the rumble of a diesel engine will have been replaced by the quiet hum of an electric motor.

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Sustainable Ship Loans Set Sail

Shravan Bhat & James Mitchell, RMI Shipping & Ports

Staff at RMI’s Center for Climate-Aligned Finance (the Center) analyzed how financial institutions are helping shape the shipping sector’s decarbonization journey through the Poseidon Principles.

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Anglo American tests out sustainable biofuel in shipping operations

Daniel Gleeson, International Mining Energy Solutions Shipping & Ports

Anglo American says it has successfully trialled the use of sustainable biofuel to power a chartered capesize ship during a voyage from Singapore to South Africa.

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DHL adds sustainable marine fuel option for container shipments

Biofuels International Shipping & Ports

DHL Global Forwarding has introduced another Sustainable Marine Fuel (SMF) service for ocean freight as part of its sustainability strategy.

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