Deep Dives
Thought-provoking research providing extensive learning opportunities
Monga Bay breaks down negotiation happenings for the high seas protection treaty
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An automated approach facilitated by artificial intelligence (AI) provides conservation managers with a toolkit that can help alleviate a number of these issues by reducing the monitoring bottlenecks and long-term costs of monitoring.
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Investors need to understand the potential risks associated with ‘business as usual’ in the seafood sector and seek opportunities to play a role in supporting the transition towards sustainable seafood finance.
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The observation of an across-the-region presence of estuarine and mangrove ecosystems with several harvested species of socio-economic importance to women harvesters and their households signals the feasibility of women-led shellfisheries as an avenue for an integrated approach to sustainable management of these systems in West Africa.
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Global interest in studying seaweed for food, carbon storage and other uses could help improve wild kelp restoration methods.
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Adapting crops and farming systems is now a crucial task for agricultural science.
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Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution
FAOThe State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022 presents updated and verified statistics of the sector and analyses its international policy context and selected high-impact actions undertaken to accelerate international efforts in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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Blue foods play a central role in food and nutrition security for billions of people and are a cornerstone of the livelihoods, economies, and cultures of many coastal and riparian communities.
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Shellfish growers were interviewed about their experiences with environmental change.
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From giant land-based salmon tanks to submersible shellfish platforms, experiments in aquaculture are dotting Maine’s coasts.
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As the human population and demand for food grow, the ocean will be called on to provide increasing amounts of seafood. Although fsheries reforms and advances in ofshore aquaculture (hereafter ‘mariculture’) could increase production, the true future of seafood depends on human responses to climate change.
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GreenWave’s pilot seaweed subsidies programme can “prime the pump” for meaningful volumes of kelp to be grown in the US, according to Bren Smith, helping to provide livelihoods and ecosystem services in equal measure.
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Coastal zones can be focal points of acidification where the influx of atmospheric CO2 can be compounded by additional sources of acidity that may collectively impair calcifying organisms.
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This Report provides you with an overview of the digital aquatech investment landscape, a series of inspiring interviews with CEOs of Aqua-Spark’s digital aquatech portfolio companies, and a set of in-depth chapters on different segments of digital aquaculture technology.
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Climate change is causing shifts in biogeography of marine species, towards higher latitude, deeper waters, or following local temperature gradients.
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New iFishIENCi report on circular aquaculture features four key policy reccomendations.
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To Clear the Air, Look Beneath the Waves.
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Seaweed farming is a new industry in Scotland, and is predicted to expand rapidly over the next 5-10 years.
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Identifying synergies between sustainable development of coastal communities, aquaculture, and marine and coastal conservation.
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Fisheries & Aquaculture Plastics & Pollution
Ocean & Climate Platform (OCP)After two days of discussions and debates, some 40 Heads of State and Government responded positively to the invitation of the President of the French Republic to commit for the ocean at the One Planet Summit for the Ocean in Brest.
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